Solar Financing Options

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Making Financing Easy

Government rebates still apply for small and large-scale solar projects. Small-scale technology certificates (STCs) are available for residential and commercial solar power (less than 100kW) while large-scale generation certificates (LGCs) apply to projects over 100kW.

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation and a number of financial institutions are also now offering loan products to assist businesses to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

Solar Blessing has established relationships with these organisations and can obtain quotes for finance as part of your free solar assessment. Just let us know if you would like us to do this for you.

0424 251 033 to learn more about financing across South-East Queensland, the Darling Downs and Northern NSW. We serve areas up to 150km from Stanthorpe, including Warwick, Toowoomba and Tenterfield.

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